Cost Of Traffic Violation In Tn For Window Tint

Cost Of Traffic Violation In Tn For Window Tint

Tennessee Window Tint Laws 2022 Explained Window Tint Experts
Tennessee Window Tint Laws 2022 Explained Window Tint Experts from
Are you planning to tint the windows of your car in Tennessee? Before you do, it's important to understand the laws and regulations surrounding window tinting. In Tennessee, there are specific limits on the darkness of window tint, and failure to comply can result in a traffic violation. In this article, we'll explore the cost of traffic violations in TN for window tint and what you need to know to avoid them.

What is Window Tinting?

Window tinting is the process of applying a thin film to the windows of a car to reduce the amount of visible light, UV rays, and heat that enters the vehicle. This can help keep the car cooler in hot weather and protect the interior from sun damage. However, there are laws that regulate how dark the tint can be.

What are the TN Laws on Window Tinting?

In Tennessee, the law states that the front windshield of a car must allow at least 70% of visible light to pass through. The front side window tint must allow at least 35% of visible light to pass through. The back side and rear windows can have any level of tint darkness as long as the car has side mirrors that provide a view behind the vehicle.

What Happens if You Violate the TN Window Tinting Laws?

If you violate the window tinting laws in Tennessee, you can be pulled over by law enforcement officers and issued a citation. The cost of the citation varies depending on the severity of the violation and the county where it occurred.

First Offense

If you are cited for a first offense of violating the window tinting laws in Tennessee, you will be required to remove the tint and pay a fine. The fine can range from $50 to $150, depending on the county where the violation occurred.

Repeat Offenses

If you are cited for a repeat offense of violating the window tinting laws in Tennessee, the penalties become more severe. You will be required to remove the tint, and your vehicle may be impounded. The fine for repeat offenses can range from $200 to $500.

How to Avoid Violating the TN Window Tinting Laws?

To avoid violating the window tinting laws in Tennessee, you should make sure that you follow the regulations for the darkness of the tint. There are tools available, such as a tint meter, that can measure the amount of visible light that passes through the tint. You can also consult a professional window tinting service to ensure that your tint is compliant with the law.


Window tinting can be a great way to protect your car from the sun and make it more comfortable to drive. However, it's important to understand the laws and regulations surrounding window tinting in Tennessee to avoid costly traffic violations. By following the rules and consulting with professionals, you can enjoy the benefits of window tinting without the risk of getting pulled over and fined.
Cvc Violation For Tinted Windows: What You Need To Know

Cvc Violation For Tinted Windows: What You Need To Know

Stopped by P.A. State Trooper for Tinted windows/violation of
Stopped by P.A. State Trooper for Tinted windows/violation of from

If you are a car owner, you may be aware of the various modifications that you can make to your vehicle to enhance its appearance and performance. One such modification is tinting your car windows. Tinted windows not only add a stylish touch to your car but also provide privacy and protect you from the sun's harmful UV rays.

However, did you know that tinted windows are subject to California Vehicle Code (CVC) regulations? If you violate these regulations, you can be fined and even have your car impounded. In this article, we will discuss what CVC violation for tinted windows entails and what you need to know to avoid getting into trouble with the law.

What is CVC Violation for Tinted Windows?

The CVC specifies the maximum levels of darkness that are allowed for car window tinting. These levels are measured in terms of Visible Light Transmission (VLT) percentage, which refers to the amount of visible light that can pass through the window. The lower the VLT percentage, the darker the tint.

In California, the law allows for the following VLT percentages for car window tinting:

  • Windshield: The windshield can only have a tint on the top four inches, with a VLT percentage of at least 70%.
  • Front Side Windows: The front side windows must have a VLT percentage of at least 70%.
  • Back Side Windows: The back side windows can have a VLT percentage of up to 35%.
  • Rear Window: The rear window can have a VLT percentage of up to 35%, or any darkness if the car has side mirrors that provide a view behind the vehicle.

If your car windows have a tint that exceeds these limits, you are in violation of CVC regulations and can be fined.

Why is CVC Violation for Tinted Windows Enforced?

The law regulating car window tinting is enforced for several reasons:

  • Safety: Tinted windows can reduce the visibility of drivers, especially at night or in low-light conditions. This can increase the risk of accidents.
  • Law Enforcement: Tinted windows can make it difficult for law enforcement officers to see inside the car, which can pose a threat to their safety.
  • Environmental: The use of excessively dark window tint can contribute to air pollution by increasing the need for air conditioning in the vehicle.

Consequences of CVC Violation for Tinted Windows

If you are found in violation of the CVC regulations for tinted windows, you can face the following consequences:

  • Fine: The fine for violating the CVC regulations can range from $25 to $197, depending on the severity of the violation.
  • Fix-it Ticket: In some cases, you may be issued a "fix-it" ticket, which requires you to remove the tint and have the car inspected by a law enforcement officer within a specified timeframe. Failure to comply with the ticket can result in additional fines and penalties.
  • Impoundment: If your car is found to have excessively dark tint, it can be impounded until the tint is removed and the car is inspected by a law enforcement officer.

How to Avoid CVC Violation for Tinted Windows

The best way to avoid CVC violation for tinted windows is to ensure that your car windows are within the legal limits for VLT percentages. If you are unsure about the darkness of your car windows, you can have them tested by a professional. Additionally, make sure that any tinting is done by a reputable and licensed installer.

If you are pulled over by law enforcement officers, it is important to be cooperative and comply with their requests. Refusing to remove the tint or comply with a fix-it ticket can result in additional fines and penalties.


Tinted windows can add a stylish touch to your car, but it is important to remember that they are subject to CVC regulations. By ensuring that your car windows are within the legal limits for VLT percentages, you can avoid fines and penalties. If you have any questions or concerns about CVC violation for tinted windows, consult with a professional.


  1. What is the California Vehicle Code?

    The California Vehicle Code is a set of laws that govern the use and operation of vehicles in California. It covers topics such as licensing, registration, safety, and traffic violations.

  2. What is VLT percentage?

    VLT percentage refers to the amount of visible light that can pass through a window. It is measured as a percentage, with higher percentages indicating lighter tint and lower percentages indicating darker tint.

  3. Can I be fined for having tinted windows?

    Yes, if your car windows have a tint that exceeds the legal limits for VLT percentages, you can be fined under CVC regulations.

  4. What are the consequences of CVC violation for tinted windows?

    You can face fines, fix-it tickets, and impoundment of your car if it is found to have excessively dark tint.

  5. How can I avoid CVC violation for tinted windows?

    Ensure that your car windows are within the legal limits for VLT percentages, have them tested by a professional if necessary, and have any tinting done by a reputable and licensed installer.